Hai guys, mungkin ada beberapa orang yang kaget melihat tampilan yang berubah dari blog ini karena saya sebagai blogger telah menaruh minat ke bidang anime ini. Mungkin ke depannya saya akan membuat blog tentang manga dan light novel serta hal - hal lain yang berbau ke jepangan. Alamat blog ini juga mungkin akan berubah setelah di approve untuk memasukkan iklan google adsense agar sesuai dengan artikel yang dibuat. Karena kesibukan beberapa isi artikel ini berbahasa inggris karena di copas dari wiki. Bagi yang kurang lancar bisa menggunakan translator untuk mentranslatenya ke dalam bahasa indonesia maupun bahasa lainnya, mohon maaf atas dual bahasa dalam artikel ini. Semoga ke depannya bisa lebih mantap lagi dalam penulisany artikel ini.
Chaika -
The Coffin Princess (Japanese: 棺姫のチャイカ Hepburn: Hitsugi no Chaika?) is
a Japanese light novel series written byIchirō Sakaki and illustrated by Namaniku ATK. As of September 20, 2014,
ten volumes have been published by Fujimi Shobo under their Fujimi Fantasia Bunko imprint. It has been adapted into three manga series. An anime adaptation was announced on July 2013[1]and aired from April 9, 2014 to June 25, 2014. A second
season titled Chaika - The Coffin Princess: Avenging Battle began
airing on October 8, 2014.[2]
2. Synopsis
years ago, the 200-year-long war between the alliance of six nations and the
Gaz Empire came to an end when Emperor Arthur Gaz, the Immortal Emperor of the
Gaz Empire, was finally killed by eight warriors known as the Eight Heroes.
After the war, the Empire's lands were divided by the alliance, who later
formed the Council of Six Nations to bring peace and order to the land. In the
present, Toru Acura is a former Saboteur (乱破師 Sabatā?) who
lives with his sister Akari. Toru is unable to settle in this peaceful era as
there is no demand for his Saboteur skills, and he sees no meaning in his life.
While out foraging in the forest, Toru and Akari encounter Chaika Trabant, a
white-haired girl with a white headband who claims to be a Wizard (魔法師 Wizādo?) and
save her from a man-eating unicorn. Taking note of their skills as Saboteurs,
Chaika hires Toru and Akari for an important task; she is trying to gather the
scattered remains of Arthur Gaz from the Eight Heroes, which is why she is
traveling with a coffin. Chaika reveals that she is actually Princess Chaika
Gaz, the former Emperor's daughter, who managed to escape in the chaos
following her father's death and wishes to find her father's remains, so that
he may be given a proper burial. However, the trio will face difficulties as
the Emperor's remains were divided amongst the Eight Heroes. In addition, his
body parts emit strong magical energy which can be harnessed, making them very
valuable. Furthermore, Chaika is being pursued by the Post-War Kleeman Agency's
Gillett Corps, who have been tasked with capturing Chaika as it is feared that
her existence will serve as a rallying point for Gaz loyalists and the possible
rebirth of the Gaz Empire, not to mention that the sheer power of Arthur's
reunited remains might reignite the war. To top matters off, the protagonists
are being targeted by other groups, all of them led by girls who also claim to
be Chaika Gaz. Thus begins Toru, Chaika, and Akari's journey throughout the
3. Review
Anime ini memiliki unsur misteri
yang menarik sehingga bagi yang suka cerita misteri anime ini layak untuk
ditonton. Dari segi aksi anime ini juga memiliki adegan aksi yang seru dan juga
pertarungan – pertarungan dengan menggunakan sihir dan kemampuan – kemampuan khusus.
Heroine utama cerita ini juga lumayan lucu. Di dalam anime ini juga terdapat unsure
humor sehingga tidak akan terlalu membebani penonton dengan cerita yang jelas.
Seri ini memiliki lanjutan yang berjudul Hitsugi no Chaika Avenging Battle yang
review episodenya bisa kalian cari di arya.anime.blogspot.com
4. Rating
Art : 8 dari 10
Story :
9 dari 10
Chara :
7 dari 10
Anime ini memiliki cerita yang penuh dengan misteri
yang membuat penonton penasaran dengan kelanjutan ceritanya
Sudah ada beberapa anime yang memiliki tema serupa,
mungkin sebagian penoton akan merasa bosan dengan cerita bertema seperti ini
5. Source
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